
How To Form Partnerships – Interview with Ed Alexander

equity, exits, high growth businesses, lifestyle business, partnerships, percentages, slicing the pie
Ed is a technology business guy turned lawyer. He’s written software, designed circuits, and worked as a product marketing manager, and has been a business lawyer for the past 24 […]
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What Is Your Business Worth Interview with George Rosen

acquisitions, broker, exits, mergers, valuation
George Rosen is the CFO of Contango Investments, Inc. and the Managing Member of Florida Business Valuations, LLC. He has extensive experience (25-years) in small business sales, mergers and acquisitions […]
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Protect Your I.T. Assets with Danny Jenkins

ceo, cybercriminals, cybersecurity, exits, IT
On today’s show, we interview CEO of THREATLOCKER, Danny Jenkins.  Danny has two decades of experience building and securing corporate networks. A technical guru with a deep understanding of corporate I.T. […]
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